FAQ: Where can I go for repairs that are covered by my vehicle service contract?
Unlike most extended warranties, Endurance auto protection plans are honored at any ASE licensed or certified repair facility anywhere in the nation. These facilities include dealerships, chain shops, or your local repair shop.
Even if you are away from home, your vehicle will still be covered when you need repairs. To connect customers with certified mechanics at shops nationwide, we have partnered with RepairPal, the largest auto repair certification provider. To find a local shop near you, visit our partner page.
Más preguntas frecuentes
Beneficios del conductor
Answers about your coverage, benefits, what sets Endurance apart and whether our plans are covered by insurance.
Presentación de reclamos
Everything you need to know about our easy filing process: when to file a claim, how to file a claim and what happens next.
Ayuda general
Information on the importance of an extended auto warranty and answers about mechanical breakdown insurance.
Obtener una cotización
Insights on plan pricing, how to get a free quote, how long your quote will last, what will be covered and where to ask for help.
My Contract
A deeper understanding of your contract including when to use it, how to view it online, and where to go with questions.
Top answers on how to update billing information, where to see your bill, when your payments are due and where to go with billing questions.