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As a driver, keeping a watchful eye on your vehicle at all times is a must-do. The car’s check engine light (CEL) is a vital warning sign that indicates potential issues with your vehicle and should be the first thing your eyes flip toward if you think something is amiss. When it illuminates, it’s essential to respond quickly to avoid more significant problems and costly repairs.
There are a number of common misconceptions about the CEL that can lead to improper handling of the issue, potentially even leading to it being exacerbated. Let’s debunk some of the most common myths surrounding your check engine light so that you can address your concerns more effectively.
While the check engine light on your vehicle is certainly an important indicator, it doesn’t mean your vehicle is on the brink of breaking down when it flips on. There are many cases in which the light will illuminate due to minor issues, with the most common reasons being you need an oil change, a loose gas cap or fuel cap, faulty oxygen sensors, failing spark plugs, sensor malfunction, transmission fluid levels, battery problems, or even a software glitch with your onboard computer.
The check engine light alerts a driver to any potential issue, big or small, that may impact the engine and emission or exhaust system, given their importance to the vehicle. To assess the severity of a problem when the check engine light turns on, try the following steps:
Drivers who believe their check engine light erroneously turned on sometimes disconnect their vehicle battery, believing that it will shut off the CEL. While it’s true that this will reset the light temporarily, it will not solve the underlying issue, and the light will most likely flip back on once it re-detects the problem. In fact, disconnecting your car battery can actually erase important diagnostic system data that mechanics at a service center could potentially use to pinpoint the specific issue, so it’s best not to do this in case there is a serious problem.
Another very common misconception regarding the check engine warning light is that if it flips on but your vehicle continues running normally, then everything is fine. Remember from the first myth that it is true that the check engine light will turn on for minor, relatively unimportant issues. However, the reason it turns on is that those smaller issues can snowball into serious and large issues down the road.
While the check engine light may indicate underlying issues that aren’t immediately apparent, it can affect your vehicle’s health in the long term. Some of the potential consequences of ignoring your check engine light include:
By addressing your check engine light immediately, you can prevent further damage to your vehicle, maintain your vehicle’s optimal performance, protect the investment that is your vehicle, and ensure your safety on the road.
The fourth and final myth associated with the check engine light is that you need a mechanic to read the trouble codes, which tell you what is wrong with the vehicle. While a mechanic will certainly be able to help you interrupt the code, OBD-II scanners are readily available and allow you to read and interpret these codes from the comfort of your home. A code reader can also give you an understanding of the issue prior to taking your vehicle to the mechanic at the auto repair shop.
Unfortunately, there will undoubtedly be situations where the check engine light turns on due to a serious mechanical breakdown that needs to be addressed right away. This can be a frustrating experience because not only do you need to go without a car while it’s being repaired, but you also need to shell out large sums of money to repair something in the engine and emission systems.
With an Endurance auto protection plan, though, you will be covered financially for most major mechanical issues that may trigger the CEL, including engine and transmission repairs. Endurance offers a myriad of plans with varying levels of customizability, but three of the most popular plans (Supreme, Secure Plus, and the Superior plan) all offer protection for the engine and transmission.
In addition to the protection against mechanical breakdowns, all Endurance contracts also come with some great standard benefits. These perks include access to certified repair shops in your area, 24/7 roadside assistance when you break down, rental car coverage, and much more. Whether it’s a quick and easy repair or the engine needs to be ripped out due to a serious defect, having an extended warranty or vehicle service contract can give you peace of mind on the road while saving you money in the repair shop.
As evident from the above, the check engine light is a valuable tool that is used to monitor your vehicle’s health. By constantly checking up on the health of your vehicle and performing regular car maintenance recommended in your owner’s manual, you can take proactive steps to address any issues that may arise. This will further allow you to ensure the longevity and reliability of your vehicle. Therefore, when the check engine light illuminates, respond promptly and seek professional help if it’s needed.
Should repairs be needed on your vehicle, now or in the future, and you don’t currently have an extended warranty for your vehicle, contact Endurance! Call one of our plan advisors at (800) 253-8203 o Solicite una cotización GRATIS online to see your options. You can also shop our eStore to see plan recommendations and pricing now.
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Larry Witherspoon Jr. es cofundador y director ejecutivo de Centro de formación automotriz. Larry ha ocupado múltiples puestos de liderazgo en la Marina de los EE. UU. y en varias empresas Fortune 100. Además de su experiencia empresarial, Larry creció entendiendo las dificultades que todos los jóvenes enfrentan al convertirse en adultos, especialmente aquellos que surgen de circunstancias difíciles. Tomó esas experiencias de niño y las combinó con su pasión por los vehículos para iniciar el Centro de capacitación automotriz. Leer más sobre Larry.