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Since the COVID-19 pandemic kept the world indoors, working from home has become a lot more common. Even now, plenty of workers who have started going back to the office don’t work there five days a week, and as a result, our trusty commuter cars spend a lot of their time sitting in garages or out on driveways.
If using your vehicle causes wear and tear, you’d be forgiven for thinking that not using it keeps it in good shape—but, unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Cars are designed to be driven regularly, so leaving yours stationary for extended periods can lead to a host of issues that will ultimately lead to breakdowns.
At the very least, you can expect to have to take it to the mechanic for a tune-up before you start using it again. Keep it well maintained, however, and you won’t have anything to worry about next time you hit the road.
Let’s take a look at what happens to your car when you don’t drive it and some easy car care and car maintenance tips you can carry out at home.
Just like humans benefit from exercise, cars need to be driven at least semi-regularly. If they aren’t, they can start to deteriorate for a number of different reasons. Here are seven examples:
To keep your car in good working condition, maintenance is key. There are some things you can quite easily do at home, while others may need the attention of a professional. Follow these suggestions, and you should be good to jump in and drive whenever the moment takes you.
You’ll find your manufacturer’s recommended maintenance in your owner’s manual, and this should be followed to the letter regardless of how often you use your vehicle. Any minor issues can become a major problem after long periods of sitting, but regular maintenance can help you catch things while they’re still easily fixed. If you have an extended car warranty, it’s important to remember that maintenance will be part of your contract, so keep it up to ensure your coverage stays valid.
Car engine oil can go stale and sticky if it isn’t regularly running through your engine. Check the oil level and change it periodically even if you aren’t hitting the mile figures recommended by your manufacturer. A mechanic can do an oil change for you, but if you want to save some cash, you can change the oil yourself. First, you need to drain the old oil, change the filter, and then fill it with new oil. It may seem daunting if you’ve never done it before, but it’s relatively straightforward when you’ve done it a couple of times. Likewise, it’s sensible to check all your fluid levels regularly, from brake fluid to coolant, keep them topped up and get them changed at the recommended intervals.
You won’t be going anywhere on a dead car battery. Check it every now and then to keep it good and healthy. Clean any corrosion that’s built up around the terminals if you spot some, and maybe have it tested at an auto shop just to be sure it’s doing okay. Going on a drive for 20 minutes every few days should help keep your battery charged. You can also connect it to a trickle charger whenever you aren’t planning on driving for a few weeks.
Driving when your tires aren’t the correct PSI can be dangerous. In the worst-case scenario, it could even lead to a catastrophic blowout. Even if you aren’t going to be using your car anytime soon, check your tires with a tire pressure gauge and use a portable compressor to top them up if necessary. A quick spin around the block once a week can help you to avoid flat spots too. This applies to brand-new tires just as much as old tires.
It isn’t recommended that a sitting car have too much or too little gas in it, so aim for about half a tank if it’s going to be off the road for a while. When you want to drive again, fill up with fresh gas before you do, as this will mix with the old gas and make it usable again. You could also add an enzyme fuel stabilizer ahead of time to prevent the gas in your tank from going stale.
One huge benefit of working from home is that it gives you plenty of time to get things done. It’s the ideal opportunity to work on your car, but like any DIY project, you can never be too careful. Always make sure to take basic safety precautions before you pop the hood, like pulling on some gloves and goggles, ensuring you have the right tools for the job, and keeping a first aid kit nearby.
All parts you use to carry out any maintenance should be acquired directly from the vehicle manufacturer, dealership, or from a trusted auto shop. It may be tempting to purchase parts and supplies cheaply online, but it’s hugely important that whatever you use is high quality and (where components are concerned) manufacturer-approved. Sub-par auto products may save you money in the short term, but they can cause damage, leading to expensive repairs—even voiding any warranty coverage you might have purchased.
Remember: if it feels too big for you to tackle, it isn’t worth the risk. Extended warranty or vehicle service contract providers stipulate that any damage caused by unauthorized repairs or maintenance will not be covered as part of your plan, so make sure to enlist the help of a certified professional whenever you start to feel out of your depth. Better yet, check your warranty contract for specifics on the maintenance tasks you shouldn’t carry out yourself.
No matter how well you look after your vehicle, the fact is that all components fail eventually. When they do, it’s usually at the worst possible moment, stranding you at the roadside, miles away from home. Then, to add insult to injury, you may end up with a repair bill you can’t afford.
To protect themselves from the cost of unexpected component failure, drivers across America are investing in extended auto protection — and you should too. Endurance is rated by experts as the top provider in the country, and since opening our doors over 15 years ago, we’ve helped over half a million drivers save some serious money.
Whether you’re a daily commuter, rideshare driver, or luxury vehicle owner, we offer a wide range of coverage plans with unrivaled eligibility, affordability, and flexibility. All of our coverage plans can be customized to suit your specific needs and budget, with our lowest contract starting at just $99 per month.
We also offer some of the best-added benefits in the business, with 24/7 roadside assistance, trip-interruption costs, and replacement travel reimbursement included as standard. If that wasn’t enough, all new Endurance customers also get a year’s free access to our Elite perks package, adding on tire repair/replacement, total loss protection, key fob replacement, and more.
To find out what we can do for you and your vehicle, call our award-winning customer service team at (800) 253-8203 a Solicite una cotización GRATIS. In addition, you can explore our tienda en línea for an instant price preview and shop with confidence.
We also have plenty more helpful articles like this one over on nuestro blog de garantía extendida, so head on if you’d like to do some more reading first.
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Larry Witherspoon Jr. es cofundador y director ejecutivo de Centro de formación automotriz. Larry ha ocupado múltiples puestos de liderazgo en la Marina de los EE. UU. y en varias empresas Fortune 100. Además de su experiencia empresarial, Larry creció entendiendo las dificultades que todos los jóvenes enfrentan al convertirse en adultos, especialmente aquellos que surgen de circunstancias difíciles. Tomó esas experiencias de niño y las combinó con su pasión por los vehículos para iniciar el Centro de capacitación automotriz. Leer más sobre Larry.