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A common comparison made in the automotive industry is an extended vehicle warranty vs. vehicle service contracts. While there are some basic differences, they are extremely similar. Each of these protects your pocketbook if your automobile experiences a mechanical breakdown. Without either of these types of coverage, your vehicle is vulnerable to a costly repair. Considering buying an extended vehicle warranty? Find out the difference between it and a vehicle service contract here.
If you have ever experienced a major car repair, being forced to shell out a considerable sum of money can be nauseating. But wouldn’t it be nice if somebody else would cover the bill allowing you to easily return to the road? With a vehicle service contract, that is exactly how it works.
Vehicle service contracts are designed to protect consumers against unexpected, costly repairs. An individual’s coverage for any given repair is based on the terms and conditions of his/her vehicle service agreement. An extended vehicle warranty provides comparable coverage but in a different form. To clear this up, below is a breakdown of an extended vehicle warranty vs. vehicle service contracts:
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Both a manufacturer’s warranty and a vehicle service contract will cover major parts, labor, and taxes in the event of a mechanical breakdown. And did you know that the majority of dealerships that offer an “extended vehicle warranty” actually come from a third-party provider? These are the same contracts that Endurance provides to our customers to protect their automobiles.
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When it all comes down to a comparison of an extended vehicle warranty vs. vehicle service contracts, they essentially do the same thing. Both protect your vehicle in the event of a mechanical breakdown. But where the warranty will eventually run out, the vehicle service contract will be there to ensure your vehicle never goes a moment without protected coverage.
With various different plans to fit every person’s specific budget, at Endurance, we only offer the very best coverage plans available. Don’t allow your warranty to expire and cause the responsibility of costly repair bills to fall on you, contact Endurance to find out how we can help you protect your investment and give you peace of mind.
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For media inquiries, please contact Jessica Campbell, Director of Marketing at Endurance Warranty Services, at [email protected].