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Descubra por qué miles de conductores confían en Endurance para brindar una cobertura líder en la industria para sus vehículos.

Testimonial Ratings

Mira que diferencia la derecha
hace la protección.

You never know when a breakdown can strike and you need coverage you can count on Andrew Giorgi Quote Desktop
As a mechanic, I always recommend my customers have an auto protection plan Keith Benline Quote
When my manufacturer warranty went out, I knew vehicle repairs would be expensive. Finding a company like Endurance that promises to take care of your vehicle and then seeing them do it gave me peace of mind. Roy C. Quote
When my A/C wasn't working, I took my car to the dealer and they worked with Endurance. Two days later, I had it back and the A/C was fixed. The bill was over $1,200 and all I paid was a $100 deductible. Gene L. Quote
Breakdowns happen, and they can be expensive. Make sure your vehicle is covered by an auto protection plan. Larry W. Quote
Before I had Endurance, I was always afraid something was going to happen to my truck. I don’t know anything about vehicles and I expected problems. To have a company like Endurance take care of it has taken a lot of the burden off my mind. Kerri B. Quote
Nunca nos habíamos sentido tan seguros de que si ocurría un problema con el Corvette de mi esposo, estamos en buenas manos.
Débora Better Business Bureau Logo
Estábamos en un viaje por carretera cuando nuestro auto se descompuso. Rápidamente nos pusimos en contacto con Endurance y se pusieron en marcha. Nuestro viaje se reanudó con un mínimo de alboroto.
Mauricio Google Logo
Endurance me dio tranquilidad cuando compré un vehículo usado sin garantía incluida.
amy Google Logo
The Endurance representative went above and beyond to help me get the best coverage for our new vehicle. It gives me comfort to know I have help if need be.
Jemina Better Business Bureau Logo
He podido usar mi plan Endurance en docenas de talleres de reparación locales.
Roberto Google Logo
Endurance maneja todo internamente. Si tiene un problema, los llama a ellos en lugar de a un tercero.
Factura Consumer Affairs Logo
I had to get an unexpected massive engine repair to my Chevy Suburban and Endurance covered it in less than 48 hours! Had I not had this policy, I would have paid at least $4,500.
Nick Google Logo

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