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In recent years, the ease and convenience of buying and selling cars online has only improved. We at endurance have steadily revamped and improved our own online experience because we know that if something can be done on a computer, chances are they’ll do it, even if it has to do with cars. Today on Argot we’re quite literally talking shop. Where to shop for cars online, that is! Here you’ll find some of the most tried and true websites as well as some new players in the industry that are hoping to make a splash. Whichever you choose, you’re looking at earning a lot more for your car over going to the concesión. Here is our list of the best places to buy and sell cars online.
We wrote about this a while back but Vroom is how manufacturers are also considering selling new cars but current dealer franchise laws don’t quite allow that. Vroom exclusively selling used cars and all transactions are completely done online. After you buy the car through their site they will take care of all the paperwork and deliver it anywhere to you in 48 hours. You even have access to quotes on your own on your trade-in. If you choose to trade in, they will pick up your old car when they drop off the one you bought. You have one week, or 250 miles to test drive before you pay.
Again, this is not a shopping site. However, AutoTempest is an aggregator, think of a site like Rotten Tomatoes but for car-buying websites. What makes this special is that it also includes Craigslist postings that have been aggregated into their search results. A great tool if you are looking at a lot of options and trying to find the best deal
Cars.com is the most popular tool because of how comprehensive it is. You can easily search and find is outlier prices on either side of the spectrum because of the nation-wide sample sizing. It’s also great for finding leftover previous model years in your area.
Carvana has a beautiful interface with an interactive 360-degree view of the actual cars up for sale. The hi-res imagery allows you to see every nook and cranny of the cars in question, including flaws. Should you choose to buy, cars are delivered the next day. You then have seven days to test drive the car. If you are unsatisfied, you can request them to pick it up and start the process all over again. Lucky Atlanta residents have access to Carvana’s innovative “vending machine” vehicle storage for offline shopping.
This is an app meant for VR setups. This allows you to fully inspect and test the car you want without ever stepping outside. While it isn’t quite as reliable as stepping inside a car, it’s a great way to judge a car’s condition from a far-away distance. This is new technology and only available to Android users at the moment. The company looks to expand onto other operating systems in the future.
You might not bother to buy a vehicle from TrueCar but it is a tremendous resource for your bargaining power around the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP).An example is if you want a 2017 truck. TrueCar will then list a bunch of the recent transactions on record for you to gauge what you might be asked to pay versus what you are willing to pay. The savviest of buyers might still end up paying less than you but the likelihood of you paying above sticker price is null. TrueCar is also a good resource if you want to compare savings between model years. The only downside to using TrueCar is that once you sign in, dealerships will have your information in their files.
While we do almost everything online now, there still seems to be a slight aversion to buying and selling cars there too, when in reality you can get a much better deal on both ends of the negotiation. We hope the following list opens eyes to the options out there, it’s not just your local dealership or Craigslist these days! If you are in the market for a car, give any of these sites a test run and let us know what you think in the comments section below. We would love to hear about your experience!
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Alex ha trabajado en la industria de servicios automotrices durante más de 20 años. Luego de graduarse de una de las mejores escuelas técnicas del país, se desempeñó como técnico logrando la certificación de Maestro Técnico. También tiene experiencia como asesor de servicios y gerente de servicios. Leer más sobre alex