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Believe it or not, the holidays are already in the rearview mirror, and the new year is underway. Maybe you got that gift you were hoping for, or you’ve set a New Year’s resolution that you’re eager to keep. However, just because the calendar has changed and you may be ready for some changes yourself doesn’t mean the weather will, too. In fact, you’re likely to still be dealing with frigid temperatures for a few more months.
If you’re a car owner, you’ll still have to actively maintain your vehicle to help make it to spring because just like the cold weather will continue to affect you, it’ll be doing the same to your car, like lowering its tire pressure. Driving with underinflated tires can be very dangerous, as you’ll have less traction on slippery surfaces like black ice or snowy roads, be more prone to tire blowouts and cause your fuel economy to suffer.
To help you stay safe while on the road, let’s go over everything you need to know about tire pressure and how you can check the tire pressure on your vehicle.
Tire pressure, measured in PSI or pounds per square inch, is the air pressure required to inflate a car’s tires to their optimal levels to allow you to safely and smoothly drive. More specifically, all tires have a specific PSI rating, also known as the recommended tire pressure, which is dictated by the tire manufacturer or the automaker and will vary from tire to tire. You can find the tire pressure rating for your vehicle on a sticker in your driver’s side door jamb or by looking in your el manual del propietario. Some tires may also list their recommended PSI directly on them, but it often may just show the maximum PSI the tire can handle.
Keeping your tire pressure at the correct PSI is vital to keeping your vehicle running as it should and preventing unneeded repairs. If your tire is low on air, it can cause drivability issues like loss of traction and an increased risk of blowouts. Your vehicle will also have to work harder to turn a low air-pressure tire, decreasing consumo de gasolina.
Have you ever gotten into your vehicle in the winter and noticed your tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) light on your dashboard is illuminated? Have you ever noticed that it only seems to happen during the winter? Well, it’s no coincidence that this happens when the temperatures start to fall. For every 10 degrees colder it gets, your tires can lose 1-2 PSI of pressure.
For instance, if su car’s tire is at perfect pressure when it’s 40 degrees outside, it can be up to 6 PSI lower if the temperatures drop to 10 degrees. That could be the difference between a safe and smooth ride and a bumpy one where you’ll have less traction and potentially less overall control of your car. You’ll also get less consumo de gasolina out of your car, as your engine will have to work harder. But why does this happen? Well, it’s science!
Tires lose air in the winter due to the air in contracts, thus taking up less space due to the colder temperatures, causing a loss of pressure. This is why it is very important to check your tire’s air pressure at least weekly in the winter months or more often if there are frequent shifts in temperature.
Checking the tire pressure on your vehicle is one of the easiest things you can do to maintain your vehicle. With just a tire pressure gauge y un air compressor o air pump, you can keep your tires at the PSI recomendado to keep your tires lasting for years to come.
The first thing you need to do before inflating your tires is to check your el manual del propietario to find out what the correct tire inflation specifications are. Be cautious, however, as you may notice that there is also a recommended tire pressure on the sidewall of the tire, but that is the maximum pressure the tire can be inflated to and should not be used as a guide when inflating your tires.
You will need a tire pressure gauge to get an accurate reading of your tire pressure. A tire pressure gauge is a tool used to determine your tire’s current pressure. These can be found at most gasolineras y auto parts stores and come in analog and digital gauges. It is always a good idea to keep one in your glove box for easy access. Many air compressors have gauges built into the air fitting, so keep an eye out for it whether you’re filling up your tires at a gasolinera or if you own one.
Once you have your tire pressure gauge, it is time to prep your tires to be inflated. Remove the air valve cap en your tire to protect el air valve from road grime and debris. If you notice that yours are missing, this is a great time to replace them and protect your tires from damage.
Con el air valve cap removed, take your tire gauge and press it onto the open valve stem to get a reading on your tire pressure gauge. For manual gauges, you will see a small ruler-like rod protrude from the gauge, allowing you to read the tire pressure gauge. You will get a simple digital reading of your tire pressure on digital gauges.
When your gauge states the current pressure, note the reading and compare it to your manufacturer’s specifications. Manual gauges will require you to read the last number shown on the rod from inside and out.
Once you have compared the current air pressure with your specifications, you will need to remove or add air as needed. To add air, you need to turn on your air compressor o air pump, connect the air hose, and slowly add air until you reach the specification. If you have overinflated tires, you can use the back of your gauge to depress the Schrader valve (air valve) until you hear a hissing sound, which is the air escaping your tires. Do this until your reach your desired PSI.
Be cautious, however, as releasing too much air could leave you with a flat tire instead of a properly inflated one. If you also have to add more in because you find yourself under-inflated, be sure not to over-inflate, as that can cause issues. For example, over-inflated tires can lead to a bumpier ride, poor handling, poor fuel economy and excess wear on your tire tread.
When you finish filling up your tire to the correct air pressure, make sure to replace the air valve cap. Repeat the following steps on all tires to ensure they are all inflated to the PSI correcto.
While maintaining your tire pressure in the winter is important, this is a simple maintenance check that you should practice throughout the year. Many variables can impact tire pressure, so keeping an eye on the pressure levels can ensure you keep your car running at its best to help avoid unexpected repairs. For instances where you do experience an unexpected breakdown, Un plan de protección automática Endurance can help keep you protected.
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Como veterano del ejército y propietario de un taller de reparación certificado por ASE, Andrew ha hecho de la educación del conductor moderno una misión constante desde la apertura de su taller de reparación. Autospa de la ciudad del medio oeste, en 2012. Leer más Acerca de Andrew.