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Have you ever purchased a new vehicle? If you have, you’ve dealt with a manufacturer’s warranty. This warranty comes directly from the manufacturer (Chrysler, BMW, toyota, etc). They do this for two reasons:
The vehicle is brand-new.
The manufacturer knows that no product is perfect, and something could go wrong.
And because something generally will go wrong, the manufacturer would rather pay for the repair than to have to deal with a negative reputation. However, what happens when this coverage expires?
When a driver’s factory warranty expires, they usually research a way to extend it. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not extend their original warranties and do not sell new ones. But there are third-party car warranty companies that do sell coverage.
Just like any other industry, there are things to look out for before choosing extended coverage. Some companies have good reputations, others have not-so-good ones. But how do you really choose which one is right for you?
One of the biggest mistakes that most consumers make is basing their decision off price. We understand that you want to get the biggest bang for your buck, everyone does. But at the end of the day, you get what you pay for.
Buying the cheapest insurance might seem like a good plan because every month you might save $25. But what happens when you finally get into that accident and you find that practically nothing is covered and you’re out a lot of money… and your car. But, before you start scouring the internet for car warranty companies, take a look at what you should be looking for.
There are quite a few car warranty companies on the web today. Don’t be fooled by some that promise you the world, because they can’t deliver. If you’re looking for the best coverage at an affordable price, look no further. Call us today!
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Estamos aquí para asegurarnos de que obtenga la protección EV más completa. Por eso nos hemos asociado con Xcelerate automático para ofrecerle una cobertura Tesla transparente y confiable.
¿Quiere que nos comuniquemos con usted acerca de la cobertura XCare para su Tesla?
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For media inquiries, please contact Jessica Campbell, Director of Marketing at Endurance Warranty Services, at [email protected].