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There is no denying that the auto extended coverage industry has received some flack in past years. A successful business plan often spawns competitors that will do anything to make money and in turn, end up tarnishing the reputation of the entire industry. However, in this case, one bad apple does not spoil the bunch and extended car warranty ratings should be researched before fully absorbed.
If you were to read ten reviews for a product and nine out of those ten were positive, but one singular review was negative, which would you remember? It’s human nature to focus on the negative one and worry about it. But why disregard the nine other positive reviews, especially when they are the majority opinion?
We know that when you read reviews and ratings that you put your trust in them, however, sometimes they aren’t the most accurate or reliable. Don’t think that we are trying to convince you to ignore everything you read completely, but before you buy into it, hear us out.
We aren’t saying that we operate in a perfect industry, because no industry is without flaw. However, the vehicle protection industry has come a long way to better and protect itself from ever returning to those dark days of rogue companies trying to make a quick buck. We understand why extended car warranty ratings exist, but urge you to read with caution.
Without extended coverage for your vehicle, you’re the one that is liable for each and every repair. Do you really want to foot the bill for a new alternator or drive axle, when someone else could? Call us today to find out more and receive peace of mind for the road ahead.
*A Vehicle Service Contract (VSC) is often referred to as an “extended warranty”, but is not a warranty. A VSC does, however, provide repair coverage for your vehicle after the manufacturer’s warranty expires. A VSC is a contract between you and a VSC provider or administrator that states what is a covered repair and what is not. Endurance is an administrator of VSCs and does not sell warranties.*
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Estamos aquí para asegurarnos de que obtenga la protección EV más completa. Por eso nos hemos asociado con Xcelerate automático para ofrecerle una cobertura Tesla transparente y confiable.
¿Quiere que nos comuniquemos con usted acerca de la cobertura XCare para su Tesla?
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Hable con un especialista en planes de protección de vehículos y obtenga $300 apagado cualquier nuevo contrato al instante.
Llamar 866-678-4172
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Al hacer clic en el botón, acepta que Endurance utilice tecnología automatizada para llamarlo, enviarle un correo electrónico y enviarle mensajes de texto utilizando la información de contacto anterior, incluido su número de teléfono móvil, si se proporciona, con respecto a la protección del automóvil o, en California, el seguro contra averías mecánicas. También acepta el Endurance política de privacidad y Términos y condiciones. El consentimiento no es una condición de compra y puede retirar el consentimiento en cualquier momento. Se pueden aplicar tarifas por mensajes y datos.
Para hablar con un especialista en planes de protección de vehículos y guardar $300
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Alex ha trabajado en la industria de servicios automotrices durante más de 20 años. Luego de graduarse de una de las mejores escuelas técnicas del país, se desempeñó como técnico logrando la certificación de Maestro Técnico. También tiene experiencia como asesor de servicios y gerente de servicios. Leer más sobre alex