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Startup Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus Amphibious Plans Vehicle

BY: Alex Perrone


baja bootA relatively unknown startup (to Americans) calls themselves Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus. That’s quite a mouthful but you should take care to remember their name. They’re now in the middle of movie full-speed ahead with a unique venture: bringing back the Baja Boot. That’s the famous amphibious vehicle. And this startup doesn’t want to be alone. In fact they’ve just now opened the floodgates to different automakers across the world all in order to join them in bringing this vehicle back to life and begin a land and sea tour of the world.

Behold the Baja Boot

When it was first imagined, the Baja Boot was designed to go through rough terrain by the famous hot rudder Vic Hickey and none other than Hollywood legend Steve McQueen in the 1960s. The first vehicle they put together was known as the Baja 1000. That very first model went on to become something of a status symbol among the most elite vehicle owners. That is a strange thing to think about seeing as how only two of those cars were constructed. Today the SCG originator James Glickenhaus has one of them in his possession.

And now we have official news that Glickenhaus is building up another new Baja Boot. They intend to build it and challenge themselves with pushing it on a major road and water trip.

Let’s wind the clocks back a bit. SCG took to Facebook to declare their ambitious, some would say “crazy” a major travel challenge that would show off its Baja Boot’s capabilities. The organization then proceeded to ask Ferrari, Lamborghini, General Motors, Porsche, and more, they didn’t ignore any top automaker in the hope that one or all of them would join them in their quest.

The New Baja Boot Tour

The challenge seems doable enough as the goal is first to drive the Baja Boot across the US. They are going to start driving west starting from New York. If it makes it across the US it will then kick the amphibious features on in order to go over the Bering Sea, not far off of Bones, then they’ll go over the Trans Siberian Highway through Beijing, Moscow, St. Petersburg and afterward on to Paris as the finish line. Perhaps they’ll celebrate in Paris, as one does.

Despite making lofty announcements and declarations, Glickenhaus is keeping the finer details about the newly rebooted Boot closer to the chest. Based on everything we know about the old Baja Boot, the key we think if for the new vehicle to be able to his  highest point of the 22,615-foot Ojos del Salado well of lava in the Andes Mountains, should they choose that route since the last one couldn’t.  Of course, the makers aren’t content to leave the vehicle alone should it accomplish what they want: they intend to sell it.

If everything goes according to their plans the Baja Boot will be ready by 2019. SGG is planning on making at least two “entry level” models. Keep in mind that even though they are called “entry level” they start at a hefty price at about $250,000. An upgraded model that comes with four doors will cost about $275,000. Apparently SGG will offer discounts to customers who wish to perform and show off the Baja Boot’s capabilities directly at their processing plant.

Watch The Boot

At Endurance, we don’t cover amphibious luxury vehicles. However this is such a novelty that we do feel we should check in on updates. The vehicle is said to be finished this year but won’t depart from Times Square, NYC until summer of 2020. That gives SGG plenty of time to live up to people’s hype.

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