Is Your Extended Auto Warranty from Endurance Warranty?
When people search for an extended auto warranty, oftentimes they believe that they are buying a type of insurance. While the two are similar, they are also quite different. We field this question countless times a day asking if our product is considered Endurance insurance. Unfortunately, it isn’t. Fortunately, it’s better.
First, let’s go over what an extended auto warranty is. Remember when you or a relative purchased a new car? Well, one of the benefits of buying new rather than used is that the new car comes with a manufacturer’s warranty. This is the manufacturer’s way of saying: Hey if something goes wrong with the car, we’ve got you covered.
But when this factory coverage runs out, they will no longer pay for any repairs to your vehicle. Those repairs will be left to you. But that’s where an extended auto warranty comes in, better known as a vehicle service contract. This form of coverage protects your vehicle the same way your original warranty does, paying for repairs if your vehicle ever breaks down.
Want to Save THOUSANDS on Auto Repairs? Get Endurance!
Basically, Endurance Vehicle Protection is not Endurance Insurance.
Insurance does protect your vehicle but in a completely different way. Because the roads are so unpredictable, many states make it mandatory that you have collision insurance. This means that if you are ever in a collision that results in damage to your car, the insurance company will pay for your bills. This is where the two work similarly. This is why many people (incorrectly) refer to our product as Endurance Insurance.
Think about how many times you have had to file an insurance claim: Probably not more than a handful of times if any in your entire driving career. Now think about how many times your car has broken down and you needed to get it fixed: More times than you could possibly remember.
While collision insurance might be mandatory to drive in most states, coverage from Endurance can prove to be just as useful, if not more! But instead of having to wait until your vehicle ends up in the repair shop, give us a call today to find out how affordable a useful an Endurance vehicle protection contract can truly be.
About Endurance:
Endurance Vehicle Protection is the nation’s premier provider of extended vehicle coverage. By administering our very own Endurance coverage plans, we are able to “cut out” the middleman and pass along these savings onto our valued customers. This also means that throughout the entire life span of your contract with us, you will be dealing directly with us and not a third-party company. We believe in empowering confidence for the road ahead but we also believe in empowering consumers to buy with confidence.
Alex has worked in the automotive service industry for over 20 years. After graduating from one of the country’s top technical schools, he worked as a technician achieving a Master Technician certification. He also has experience as a service advisor and service manager. Read more about Alex.