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Extended Warranty for Cars Over 180k Miles

BY: Adam Karner
Happy African American man driving his car

Having an older car you love can be a mixed bag. While you might know every inch of your vehicle and feel incredibly comfortable behind the wheel, cars with a lot of miles on the odometer can also be prone to issues. Once you get to the 180,000-mile mark, you are much more likely to experience problems with the essential components of the car, like the engine, transmission, and drive axle. That is why it is so important to be prepared for large, expensive repairs and to have a plan in place that will help you get the repairs you need.

When your car was new, it most likely came with a factory warranty that was provided by the manufacturer. This manufacturer’s warranty was probably over several years ago, though, and that means that you need to start looking for a protection plan that will give you similar coverage as your car ages. An extended warranty, which is more accurately called a vehicle service contract (VSC), is a great way to cover your car and keep it running smoothly.

A VSC from a third-party provider can help you pay for car repairs, even if your vehicle has seen a lot of miles and a lot of years. Some providers have specific plans that are meant to cover high-mileage cars and are designed to protect the components that are most likely to fail or need repairs. Knowing how to find the right extended warranty for your high-mileage vehicle will help you make the best possible decision for yourself and your beloved older car.

The Reality of Owning a Car with Over 180,000 Miles

The more miles you put on your vehicle, the more likely you are to experience issues. Mechanical parts can only do so much work before they wear out and need to be replaced. Your vehicle’s engine makes so many revolutions per second, and the components that turn that kinetic energy into movement have a finite life. As time goes on, they will deteriorate and loosen, causing issues in the most essential processes of your vehicle and turning into major problems.

Because of this deterioration, high-mileage vehicles are much more prone to expensive repairs than newer cars. Newer cars are more likely to have issues with accessories and smaller components like the air conditioning or the steering. The older your car gets, the more likely it will be to have problems with the engine or transmission, which can cost thousands of dollars to repair or replace. Being prepared for this eventuality will help you get the repairs you need without having to spend a fortune.

While it may seem like buying a new car is the best option when your older car starts to develop these serious issues, that is rarely the case. Most of the time, making auto repairs will be cheaper and will get you more value for your money than you would get from a newer vehicle. With an older car that you have had for a long time, you can know what issues to expect and take important steps, like getting a protection plan that will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Benefits of an Extended Warranty for High-Mileage Cars

An extended warranty acts as a protection plan to help you avoid high repair costs as your car develops more serious issues. With a monthly premium, you can get warranty coverage for certain components of your vehicle that are more likely to have problems as your car gets older and gets more miles on the odometer. With a vehicle service contract in place, all you have to do is take your car to the repair shop when an issue arises, and as long as the repair is covered, your provider will take care of the rest. This is a great way to get peace of mind if you are worried about high repair bills in the near future.

Knowing that your most essential components are covered by your plan can give you the confidence you need to hold onto your older vehicle. Without coverage, you might be hesitant to take your vehicle on longer trips or to use it for your daily errands. When you know that you won’t be on the hook for the most expensive repairs, though, you can rest easy and enjoy your car knowing that you have a protection plan in place.

Once a vehicle gets close to 200,000 miles, it will be much more likely to have problems with the most basic components. Engine parts and transmissions will eventually wear out, and these parts can be incredibly expensive to replace. If you are not ready to give up on your older car, a vehicle protection plan can help you keep your car running for longer and get more value out of it, even as the years go by, and the miles pile on.

Common Mechanical Issues in High-Mileage Vehicles

It can be helpful to know what kinds of issues you can expect to experience with your vehicle as it gets into the 180,000-mile range. One of the most common large repairs that owners of older vehicles deal with is a transmission failure.

As the gears in your transmission get older, they will start to fall apart from the amount of friction going on in the gearbox. When that happens, small metal shavings get into the workings and cause the transmission to fail. The same is true for the engine with its small moving parts. The extreme heat produced by the combustion is enough to slowly wear down and warp the cylinders and pistons, which will eventually need to be replaced.

Some of the early warning signs of these serious issues with your vehicle can be subtle. You might notice that your car is not idling as smoothly as it once was. You may also notice a hesitation when you step on the accelerator or a jolt when the car is switching gears.

Any kind of change in how your vehicle performs on a basic level is a cause for concern and could mean that a major issue is developing. If you have an auto protection plan in place, though, you don’t have to worry when these problems occur. Instead, you can take your car and get the repairs it needs.

How Endurance Custom Coverage Protects High-Mileage Cars

Happy African American woman going on a road trip with her boyfriendEndurance offers coverage for a wide range of vehicles, including those with over 180,000 miles on the odometer. Endurance auto protection plans are custom-made for your specific vehicle and designed to give you as much protection as possible so you can take care of your car as it ages. Whether you want basic coverage for the most essential components or something a little more comprehensive, there is an Endurance plan available for you.

Endurance plans offer incredibly specific coverage that will help you protect your car’s most essential and most expensive components. With powertrain protection that covers the engine, transmission, and drive axle, you can rest easy knowing that if your older car finally has a failure of one of these components, you will be able to get it fixed. Plus, some Endurance plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee – and don’t have a mileage cap. So, you can keep getting the protection you need, even if you drive more than the average car owner.

Endurance covers the many unique risks of being a high-mileage car owner. Whether you are worried about a transmission failure or a blown head gasket, both of which can be incredibly pricey to repair, you can be covered. With the right Endurance plan, you don’t have to stress about driving your car as much as you need to, even if it has a lot of miles behind it. When an issue arises, all you have to do is take your vehicle to the certified shop of your choice, present your Endurance coverage to the shop’s service manager, and everything will be taken care of for you.

Additional Benefits of Endurance Auto Protection Plans

In addition to comprehensive coverage, Endurance also offers a large collection of standard benefits with every plan. These benefits will help you keep your vehicle in good shape and also give you peace of mind whenever you are out on the road. Knowing that your extended warranty provider has your back no matter what kind of situation you are in is a great way to actually enjoy driving your high-mileage vehicle instead of constantly worrying about breakdowns or engine failures.

Every Endurance plan comes with a comprehensive suite of benefits. One of the most important for high-mileage car owners is 24/7 roadside assistance. This includes things like towing, fuel delivery, battery jumping, and lockout service. Standard benefits also include rental car coverage, which will help reimburse you for replacement transportation if your vehicle has to be in the shop for a little while. Trip interruption protection is also included, which will help you pay for accommodations if your car breaks down more than 100 miles from home. All of these benefits are essential for older car owners and can help you rest easy behind the wheel.

For a small activation fee, Endurance customers can also get access to the Elite Benefits program. These include extra perks like tire repairs, key fob replacement, and up to $1,000 in total loss coverage. Having these extras will help you save even more money on your vehicle’s upkeep and protect it as you put more miles on it down the road.

FAQs About Extended Warranties

Should I buy an extended warranty on a used car?

Having an extended warranty on a used car is one of the best ways to keep it in good condition and save money on repairs. By knowing that you have a protection plan for your car, you don’t have to be worried about breakdowns or expensive repairs. Many of the issues that plague older high-mileage cars can be taken care of by a high-quality vehicle service contract with comprehensive coverage.

Who has the highest-rated extended auto warranties?

Endurance is one of the top-rated VSC providers on the market. Endurance currently holds a high star rating on Trustpilot, with over 7,000 reviews in total and many reviewers commenting on the top-notch service and excellent coverage. This kind of reputation is important and shows that an Endurance plan is a great choice for all kinds of cars and drivers.

Can I get an extended warranty after 100k miles?

Once your vehicle gets past the 100,000-mile mark, it will be more susceptible to issues and breakdowns. Endurance offers many plans for vehicles with more than 100,000 miles, with all kinds of customized coverage options specifically tailored to your vehicle. If your car has only recently turned over 100,000 miles, now is a great time to start thinking about getting coverage that will protect it going forward.

What is the mileage limit for Endurance?

Endurance has no mileage limits for vehicles as long as they are under 20 years old. While some specific plans have mileage limits, you can still get coverage that will be customized to suit your needs. This is a great way to ensure that no matter what happens in the future, your car will be protected in the ways that matter most.

Protecting Your High-Mileage Vehicle with Endurance

When you want coverage for your high-mileage vehicle, Endurance is here to help you get the vehicle service contract that will protect you and your bank account. With a wide range of customizable plans and options for cars of all kinds, there is something for every type of vehicle and every type of driver.

Endurance not only protects everything from high-mileage vehicles to top-tier luxury cars but there are also plans for vehicles that other providers simply won’t cover. This includes Canadian Gray Market Cars, vehicles that have a rebuilt or salvage title, and cars that are used for commercial purposes such as rideshare or delivery. Most other VSC providers on the market have restrictions on these cars, but Endurance will give you a plan that gives you value and peace of mind.

If it’s time for you to get the protection you need for your car, contact an Endurance plan advisor at (800) 253-8203. You can also shop online to see your price right away and make the right choice for your high-mileage car.

To keep learning about all things automotive, including provider comparisons for Endurance with other companies like CarShield and CARCHEX, repair facility reviews, mechanical breakdown insurance information, vehicle maintenance tips, frequently asked questions, and more, be sure to check out the Endurance Warranty blog.

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